Maintenance Request

Welcome existing tenants.  Please follow these guidelines and utilize this form to submit maintenance requests.

1.  Maintenance Non-Emergency:  If you have an emergency such as fire or endangerment please dial 911.  Non-emergency requests include items that will cause no harm to property or present no safety threat to tenants if unaddressed in next 48 hours or more.  For example, if you have a large water leak or you are unable to lock your door, DO NOT use this form.  Instead, please dial 612-280-1998 for immediate attention.  All other requests may use this form.

2. Please provide as much detail as possible to ensure our maintenance team can properly address the issue.  We will reply within 48 hours.

    Your Name (required)


    Your Address (required)

    Your City (required)

    Your State (required)

    Your Zipcode (required)

    Your Home Phone (required)

    Your Cell Phone (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Message